Receive, send assets, transfer ownership

You can also follow the instruction below step by step👇

1.Click My Address after launching the app.

2.Find the address from the list and enter the detailed page of this address.

How to receive assets

1.Click the Receive button.

2.Scroll down the page and you will see QR code and address to copy. Share it with others and let them send you assets.

Obviously, if you don’t need QR code, you may directly copy a certain A3S address from the addresses list or in the detailed page of the address.

How to send assets

1.Click the Send button in the detailed page of address.

2.Input information of receiver’s address, token type and amount.

How to transfer address ownership

1.Click the toggle box to select the address you want to transfer from the list.

2.Click Transfer Ownership

3. Input the receiver address in the popup window.

4.Click OK to confirm.

5.Another way is to click the transfer button in the detailed page of address. Input receiver address and confirm.

Last updated