Manage your addresses

You can also follow the instruction below step by step👇

Rename an address

1.Open My Address page, click the pencil icon besides the address you want to rename.

Choose the address you want to rename

2.Then write the new name in the box and click the green tick.

Input a new name for address

3.Finish signature in your wallet.

4.You can also rename it in the detailed page of address.

You can also rename address on the detailed page

Categorize your addresses

1.Open My Address page and click on New Category.

Create new category

2.Name the category you created and click confirm.

Name the new category

3.Confirm the signature in your wallet.

Confirm to create

4.Select the address from the list by clicking the toggle box.

Select the address

5.Click Move to and select the category folder you want.

Move the address to the chosen category
Move the address to the chosen category

6.Sign it in wallet to finish the step.

Confirm to move

7.Now you can see the moved address in the new category list and in the All addresses list. Simply click the tab to switch between categories.

See the moved address in the new category
See the moved address in the new category

Search your address

Search your address

Type your keywords in the search bar. It could be the address name or the customized string in the address.

Search for address

Example of search address name:

Example of search special string:

Last updated