

ETH prize, 24-hour count down, 1 winner only

5% of the minting fee will be accumulated into the Jackpot.

If there is no new kernel minted for over 24 hours, the kernel with the largest tokenID will win all the ETH in the Jackpot.

There will only be 1 winner for the Jackpot.

Lucky Pool

$AA prize, at most 10 winners every 8 hours

50% of the unclaimed $AA rewards will be sent to the lucky pool.

All the $AA in the lucky pool will be equally distributed to the at most 10 largest tokenID at the end of each term(every 8 hours).

If less than 10 kernels are minted in one term, the lucky pool will be distributed to all the kernels minted in this term.

If no kernels are minted in one term, the $AA in the lucky pool will be reserved for the next term.

Last updated