Activate A3S address

1.To find all your addresses, click on the My Address tab.

2.The page by default displays 10 addresses. If you have more, you could click on Page: Show 10 on the bottom right corner of the page and select up to 50 addresses to be shown on the site.

3. Since you have just claimed the addresses, the status of addresses are currently inactive.

Let’s click on one of the addresses and see its structure.

Similar to a MetaMask wallet, you could send and receive Tokens, NFTs as well as Connect to Dapps.

To have full access, you need to mint it. Firstly, select which chain you would like to mint it on.

Then press the button to claim owner NFT and a pop-up would appear.

Here’s the difference between an active and inactive A3S address.

Click on the Claim button once again.

Gas Fees will apply so do make sure you have sufficient Ethereum or Matic in your wallet.

Now you have your very first transferrable address!

You could click here to view it on OpenSea.

Last updated